
Author’s Night and Book Signing

Author’s Night and Book Signing with Mrs. Hallowell’s Fall Session I Students December 16 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm The students in Mrs. Hallowell’s creative writing and illustrating classes wrapped up their 6-week After School Arts Program on October 26 and 27.  Together, the classes created a book called Our Stories soon to be available ($10.00) at amazon.com. Nineteen young authors and Mrs. […]

Wintergreen Arts Center receives sponsorship from Townsquare Media

Presque Isle, Maine (October 29, 2016) — Wintergreen Arts Center is proud to announce their partnership with Townsquare Media for the promotion of the nonprofit art center’s educational activities and community events. Townsquare Media is launching its sponsorship this coming week with on-air interviews about the center’s upcoming CHAIR-ity event on Friday, November 4, to be followed by the promotion […]