
Pizza ‘n Art for TWEENS

Pizza ‘n Art for TWEENS (Grades 1-6)  Moose Minds Meet with Artist Heather Harvell Saturday, February 18, 2017 11:30 am to 1:30 pm February is for couples!  We’re painting in pairs this month. You’ll paint individual canvases that fit together as one. Tweens, bring your mom or dad, older sibling, or grandparent and have some fun at our Pizza ‘n Art for […]

Pizza ‘n Art for TEENS

Pizza ‘n Art for TEENS (Grades 7-12) Branching Out with Artist Dione Skidgel Friday, February 17, 2017 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm February is for couples!  We’re painting in pairs this month. You’ll paint individual canvases that fit together as one. Teens, come share love and friendship with your bestie at our Pizza ‘n Art for TEENS event on Friday, February […]