
Violette family to represent Wintergreen at NYC benefit show

Presque Isle, Maine—On October 1, Zoey Violette and her mother Gretchen Violette will appear on stage to represent the Wintergreen Arts Center at The Band Visits Cariani, a benefit performance in New York City featuring an evening of scenes from plays written by accomplished playwright and actor John Cariani. Proceeds from the one-night-only event will benefit the Wintergreen Arts Center […]

NYC: An evening of scenes from plays by John Cariani Benefiting Wintergreen

PHOTO:  John Cariani FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 6, 2018 CONTACTS: Sharone Sayegh (sharonesayegh@gmail.com) and Pomme Koch (pommekoch@gmail.com)   KATRINA LENK, TONY SHALHOUB AND CAST MEMBERS OF THE BAND’S VISIT SET FOR ONE-NIGHT-ONLY PERFORMANCE EVENT   THE BAND VISITS CARIANI An evening of scenes from plays by John Cariani Benefiting Wintergreen Arts Center in Presque Isle, Maine   Monday, October 1 […]