
Julie French brings children’s yoga to Wintergreen preschool students

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine—Julie French, local wellness enthusiast and yoga instructor, visited preschool students at the Wintergreen Arts Center today for a special session of children’s yoga and mindfulness. “Children need to move their bodies a lot during the day,” said Lisa Brewer who co-teaches Wintergreen’s creative preschool, Under the Willow Tree, with Katie Greenlaw.  “And, one of the ways we […]

Brittany Kirby joins Wintergreen Arts Center

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine—Brittany Kirby recently joined the Wintergreen Arts Center as Assistant Teacher for the After School Arts Program.   “I’m excited to become part of Wintergreen,” said Kirby.  “I look forward to working with such a creative group of kids!”  Kirby’s teaching experience includes work as an assistant nursery school teacher and working one-on-one with special needs children.  She has […]